Monday, 16 October 2017


Birthdays are the time
To celebrate for most
But it always makes me
Question about myself

Where has my journey
Taken me so far as now
Is there really any gain
Other than my weight

I nevertheless consumed
Copius bit of resources
How much have I so far
Contributed back around

Such thoughts make me
Feel awry and so haywire
Was there a point for me
To ever to be even born

There's not a relationship
That I have fully fulfilled
Be it my parents, friends
Teachers, boss or spouse

In spite the poor record
I have built bit stability
Where I can sit ponder
Not bothered with needs

That is what is positive
Gives hope to overcome
Ruthless grip of my ego
Once rediscover my soul


As our lives pass through
The fabric of space-time
Many a time we intersect
To meet and disperse soon

On such an intersection
It led me to just ponder
What became different
And what was same still

From a distance as I looked
It felt like another person
Is standing in front of me
It's rude to be trespassing

But it's more a sacrilege
To pass by without a 'hi'
Thus I gathered courage
As if to meet a new being

After few fumbled words
And a nervous half-smile
Our intersection got over
We partake a long adieu

But beyond intersections
Momentary passing by
Remains the impressions
Nurturing deep our souls

Saturday, 7 October 2017


These brief moments
Of sweet togetherness 
Are ever so precious

When even our breath
Merges and the lines
Between are blurred

Love brings divinity
And unfound grace
To our lives on earth