Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Closing Balance

I'm closing my poetry book,
I think I've written enough!
Enough of pouring emotions -
Of no value in the real world.

Once I wrote poems relentlessly,
Seeking my personal retribution...
Baring whatever within me I'd felt;
For all the pent up emotional hurt.

But now I'm numb and don't care -
The world has wisened me enough.
The pathos of unconscious shadows;
It is no longer what I can ever trust!

As I close my nonsense poetry book,
I get some vivid memory flashes...
Some lost candid smiles and tears -
I'll carry within as closing balance.


It's been quite a tumultuous journey with this blog. I think I shared some of my darkest shadows and happiest moments here. Very likely this blog will be lost is the endless universe of the world wide web. Likely that its better that way.

Wishing peace and harmony to all... 🕊🕊

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

A Sum of Parts

A part of me remained with you
A bit of me that was free to live
And express my innermost self

A bit which broke apart and left
Never to return, but in my dreams
Ever since you had to leave as well

And a part of you remains with me 
A part you never dared acknowledge
A part you left behind to move ahead

A part of you which did resonate
With me when for moments lost
Between us there was no difference

We are but sum of all of our parts
Small bits collected here and there
To break and form as our life passes

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Leaving behind

As we move ahead in life
Striving for the very best
Sometimes a steep climb
And going against waves

But in the ruthless pursuit
Ever so often leave behind
Countless discarded relics
Once their purpose served

And we just make it a point
To not ever look back to see
The muddy trail of our path
Try wash off its messy trace

No matter how much one tries
To repress the vivid memories
Past resurfaces in odd corners
Reminding us who we truly are

Stains, splashes and splatters
Are what defines our character
More we embrace what we hide
We earn the harmony of present

Monday, 8 April 2019

Path Less Travelled

There are not many who dare
To take the path less travelled.
Most of us vehemently sit still,
Pursuing comforts till the end!

Those ready to leave burdens
And break the rigid shackles...
Face ridicule thrown at them -
The path less travelled opens.

Where every step brings joy,
And sky above unbound free...
Even if stepped over thorns;
There's smile of acceptance.

The path much less travelled
Is often steep with harsh edge.
But traveller's spirit remains
Ready to face any challenge!

Travellers of path less travelled
Are the ones who inspire always...
Make us question the rigid norms -
Leading us to find our true selves!

Thursday, 28 March 2019

The Resignation Letter

It came as complete surprise!
I was under the impression -
Everything was going perfect
At work and with office team.

Until your resignation letter
Just landed up in my hands!
At first I was in pure denial -
It took me bit time to register.

I was desperately grasping;
Trying to find wild reasons...
To make you stay a bit longer,
Which met from you a firm 'no'.

Then for a brief while my ego
Seemed to be quite a bit hurt.
Had I not ever cared enough?
Was what offered not decent?

But it didn't take long to figure -
It's all in vain, there's no way...
And its just so inevitable now,
That I started justifying myself!

Whatever happened was good -
For the future for all the sides.
And time is always there to heal
The wounds of useless attachment.

And after about half a day passed
Since your resignation, I'm smiling...
As I now realise this just how I felt -
Long ago when a loved one had left!

Funny how history repeats itself!
Possibly for the reason to teach us
Lessons which at first time missed -
Another chance to redeem oneself.