Monday, 18 March 2013

The yellow bicycle

A month after classes started,
Our hostel rooms were allotted...
Then your new cycle arrived,
Its yellow and chrome shined!

At first I was a bit disheartened,
It meant no more lifts or shared auto...
To traverse our sprawling campus,
A mile between hostel and classroom!

But soon it became a symbol of relief,
Seeing it in our department parking...
Meant you'd be there before me,
And classes wouldn't be just as boring!

After classes you'd hop in and fly away
Often bringing back food from mess...
And the hungry hordes back at lab,
Would gulp it down within seconds!

Once I found you all flustered,
Was the bike lost or stolen?
But after a frantic search in campus...
It was found parked and forgotten!

But wasn't always so fortunate,
For once we quarreled, my phone silent...
And then the bike crashed with you,
I was out of reach and you were hurt...

Later how I hated myself,
For being so inconsiderate...
And just not being there,
When you needed me by fate...

When you returned from hospital,
Bandages and broken nail of a toe...
So much pain and anguish,
Few drops of vodka relieved you so...

But you were back on your feet next day,
And the cycle bells rang the same way...
Its been more than a few years since then,
We graduated and the cycle packed away...

Now only a fading memory remains,
Of you and your yellow bicycle...
Bright yellow glowing in the sun
And the shrill ringing of its bell...