Thursday 21 May 2015


Dubai mall boasts an aquarium
Hundreds of meters wide n tall
A selection of marine creatures
Fishes to sharks, big and small

Thick glass walls separate them
From enchanted crowd in queue
And it'd hard to tell who's really
Observing whom with more awe

But then isn't the air sealed mall
An aquarium for us humans too?
We built for ourselves an airlock
From abrasive desert sun's loom

And all around me at Dubai mall
Humans from every race and clan
In all ages, wearing every colour
The mall itself amazing cauldron

Aquarium dwellers fed on time
Predator, prey swimming along
Sharks disdain to attack any fish
So do rich and poor walk around

In a setting so gloriously surreal
That it's easy to spend a lifetime
Fooled by lust for all the sensual
While system earns a few dimes

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